Saturday 14 November 2015

Ancillary task: Final newspaper ad

This is my final version of the second ancillary task which is to produce a newspaper advert. From the practice advert you can see that this image has changed slightly from the other image. The goal posts have swapped around so the nice, new post is on the left and the old, rusty post is now on the right. This is to emphasise how participation in sport was once at a comfortable place hence the clean and pristine goal post on the left and how eventually participation in sport started to dropped off gradually which is shown by the goal post gradually getting worse and worse. This was a clever little message that my group and I devised to show participation in sport has declined.

We also added some subheadings mentioning what our advert is about hence Britain becoming a less active nation. We also added a smart and witty slogan which also thrives on the fact that participation in sport has decreased. To finish off we have a small subheading which is a rhetorical question asking how our sporting nation has fell so far.

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